Urban resilience and community planning; Democratic Republic of Congo
Category: Urban Design + Urban Planning
Client: Confidential
Year: 2020
Status: on going
Location: Democratic Republic of Congo
Collaboration: Studio Galli Ingegneria
Aiming for integrated planning approaches and neighborhood improvement strategies with a strong focus on resilience and sustainability and nature based solutions. Through a participatory approach, we developed a multiple scenario planning, identifying critical sites related to the ecology/environment, flood risks, local economic development, public spaces and equipment, and mobility amongst others, in order to produce site specific multi-functional designs and green infrastructure solutions that can enhance local appropriation and community development.
KEY WORDS: #UrbanPlanning #UrbanRehabilitation #LandscapeDesign #NatureBasedSolutions #UrbanResilience #ParticipatoryPlanning #UrbanDesign #CommunityDevelopment #RiskMitigation #WaterManagement #StrategicAreaPlans #DevelopmentPlans #RegionalAreaPlans #PilotProjects #Placemaking #UrbanInformality #Sustainability