RE-act DC
urban stiching
Focusing on reclaiming and revitalizing Washington DC's alleyways, RE-act aims to optimize these underutilized and undervalued urban spaces by proposing intermediate scale, inclusive, mix-use interventions with a strong focus on public space and community development.
Responding to context: Through place-based designs and developments, RE-act projects will respond to the specificities of the context and needs of the surrounding block, neighborhood and community, as well as address city-wide needs.
Bridging scales: Individually and as a network, RE-act alleys will provide more inclusive housing and work opportunities, while at the same time enhancing neighborhood public spaces, the water management capacity of the city's urban fabric, and create local economic development opportunities for residents.
Focusing on Inclusion: Seeking to create and enable more inclusive housing opportunities, primarily targeting moderate income families, in order to respond and fill the "missing middle" gap that currently exists in the city.
Bringing Mix-use Alternatives: Rehabilitating and renovating alley structures such carriage houses, garages and others, RE-act projects will transform these structures into commercial, retail, office opportunities at ground levels, and inclusive housing on the top.
Enhancing Public Space + Water management: Developments of existing structures and lots will go hand in hand with the enhancement transformation of the alleys themselves, focusing on water management (increase ground porosity, greening strategies, rain gardens, rain water collection and recycling strategies) and public space/recreation amenities (such as seating, pop-up libraries, parks/promenades) while still maintaining appropriate throughway circulation.
Respecting Heritage: The development and rehabilitation of structures will focus on adaptive reuse, adapting older structures to new uses while respecting the integrity of the architecture and history of alley structures and alleyways as they constituted important cultural narrative and heritage for DC.​
We have partnered with EL STUDIO architects and are currently developing exciting proposals and look forward to sharing advances soon.
Have a space to transform?